IT Quiz2


  1. who is the Founder of facebook?
  2. Mark Zuckerberg Larry Ellision Tim Berners Lee Robin Li
  3. Who is Ceo of wipro?
  4. Anand Mahindra Narayan Murthy Rajiv Suri Abidali Neemuchwala
  5. TCP stads for
  6. Tape Carrier Package Taransport Carrier Package Transmission Control Protocol Transport Control Package
  7. Famous E-commerce website Alibaba Founded by
  8. Jack Ma Sachin Bansal Jeff Bazos Larry Page
  9. google founded in which year
  10. 1998 1999 2000 2001
  11. Amazon is which type website
  12. Information Quiz Online Shopping Search Engine
  13. in which year @ was chosen for email address
  14. 1975 1969 1971 1972
  15. Whatsapp found in which year
  16. 2007 2008 2009 2010
  17. Microsoft headquarter at which city
  18. Newyork Washington California Santacarla
  19. How many bridges in Motherboard?
  20. 1 2 3 4

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